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I Never Want to See You Again Homer

Episode - 2F14
Showtime Aired - 2/26/1995

Homer is blackmailed by Patty and Selma later on losing his mortgage money on a bad investment. Meanwhile, Bart is forced to sign up for ballet course after coming to schoolhouse late on the twenty-four hours the kids pick their favorite sports to play in gym grade, and a Russian ballet instructor (voiced by Susan Sarandon) convinces Bart to embrace the allegedly girly trip the light fantastic.

Tropes used in the episode

  • Bunko:
    • Every bit Richard and Lewis rush to sign up for a PE sport, Lewis says that if Bart and Milhouse miss out, "it's T.South. for them". We then cutting to the schoolhouse's swimming pool and see that by "T.Southward." he meant Tethered Swimming, which consists of kids like Ralph having to swim while tied to the edge of the pool so they don't actually motility.
  • Ballet Episode: The B-story has Bart forced to accept ballet for gym grade after he comes late to class and all the other electives were taken. He becomes surprisingly good at information technology, but performs wearing a mask to continue from being teased. When the school bullies become moved past his functioning, Bart unmasks himself, thinking that they will accept him now. They chase him down to wail on him anyhow.
  • Beg the Dog: Homer blows the family unit'due south savings on an ill-advised investment in pumpkin farming. He needs a loan for a mortgage payment and, after exhausting every other selection, is forced to beg Patty and Selma (who, earlier in the episode, he forcibly kicked out of the house), for the money. They give him a check, but force him to go their slave in substitution for non telling Marge about the deal—which becomes moot when she sees the I.O.U. annotation from them.
  • The Cameo: Mel Brooks appears as Homer'southward limo client.
  • Casual Broadcast: Parodied when Homer wonders how to make some coin and an advertizing for limo drivers appears on the Television set.

    Homer: Good thing y'all turned on that TV, Lisa!
    Lisa: I didn't turn it on, I idea you did.
    Homer: Oh. Well, anyhow, turn information technology off.
    Lisa: [Beat] Information technology is off. [ominous, X-Files-manner music plays]

  • Comically Missing the Point: Homer thought Young Frankenstein was a serious horror film.
  • Continuity Nod: During the gym grade sign-up mean solar day, Lisa is seen in ice hockey gear. She previously took up water ice hockey before in the season, in "Lisa on Ice".
  • Couch Gag: The family is beamed onto the couch a la Quantum Leap.
  • Description Cutting: Invoked intentionally by Homer:

    Marge: I'm sorry. Homer doesn't mean to exist rude. He'southward a very complicated man.
    (Homer pokes his caput out of an upstairs window and smashes a plate over it)
    Homer: Wrong!

  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Patty and Selma both get very...excited when they utilize the Fail stamp to Homer's chauffeur exam, and immediately follow upwardly with a cigarette.
  • Hands Forgiven: Ironically, Marge is quite sympathetic towards Homer subsequently finally discovering well-nigh his botched investments.
  • Exiled to the Burrow: Averted - Homer is disappointed in his own actions, and ascends the stairs quietly, saying "I'll sympathise if yous want to sleep on the couch tonight." It'south unknown if she did.
  • Felony Misdemeanor: Patty and Selma'south boss describes Homer as "worse than Hitler" for smoking.
  • Game of Nerds: At gym class sign-up day, nerdy Milhouse signs up for baseball.
  • "Gender-Normative Parent" Plot: Parodied. Bart is forced to join the ballet class after all the other PE activities had been taken, and to his surprise turns out to really enjoy it. On his first recital (in front of the entire school note , as well as detentions from other schools) he performs in a Paper Sparse mask to conceal his identity. When the other boys are moved by the performance, Bart reveals himself. The others then rush onto the stage to beat him upward.
  • Getting the Boot: Homer has to act as a lackey for Patty and Selma to keep them from telling Marge that he lost their coin on a bad investment. When she finds out anyway, Homer decides he's no longer obligated to be nice to them. Cut to the front door; he throws out Patty, throws out Marge (then realizes what he did, runs out and brings her back in while apologizing profusely), and finally throws out Selma.

    Homer: I never want to encounter you again! (Beat) Y'all either.

  • Hidden Depths: Bart is a natural at ballet, becoming very good in a short time.
  • Humble Pie: Patty and Selma get theirs after Homer saves their promotions.
  • Hypocritical Sense of humor: After Homer berates Marge for breaking a bargain where she'd non have her sisters over later six o'clock if he stopped eating her lipstick, he turns around and removes lipstick stains from his teeth.
  • I Resemble That Remark!:

    Marge: Homer, are we in some sort of fiduciary trouble?
    Homer: [imagines Marge dressed similar a queen] Oh, Marge, my loyal wife, of course not. [Lisa walks up; Homer imagines her dressed like a princess] And Lisa, my piffling princess. [Bart walks up and Homer imagines him as a Calamitous Polymorph with a rat's caput and tail] And who could forget dear Ratboy?
    Bart: Ratboy? I resent that! [gnaws on doorframe]
    Marge: Bart, I told you before, stop gnawing on the drywall.

  • Indentured Servitude: Patty and Selma start treating Homer like their servant while they're blackmailing him over the debt, making him requite them footrubs, light their cigarettes, and pretend to be a dog for their amusement.
  • Ink-Suit Player: The ballet teacher was drawn to look similar Susan Sarandon.
  • It's All About Me: A pocket-size instance, just Marge makes Homer effort and get along with Patty & Selma considering it'due south difficult on her for them to be fighting when Patty & Selma dethrone him all the time. And Homer saves them from getting demoted or fired considering Marge is upset that they're in problem for smoking on authorities holding.
  • Jerkass: Patty and Selma really upward the ante hither, gloating about their success in front of Homer, blackmailing Homer about being in debt to them, revealing the debt to Marge anyways, and declining him on his chauffeur's exam (until Homer has to salvage them from being fired for smoking in a government building).
  • Jerkass Has a Indicate: Skinner was existence rather smug about information technology, truthful, but he wasn't wrong in stating that Bart wouldn't accept had to take ballet if he had arrived earlier.
  • Kick the Canis familiaris: Patty and Selma go out of their fashion to exist as horrible as possible to Homer and take immense pleasance in failing his driving examination.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Subverted: although Patty and Selma were this close to being fired for smoking in the DMV after they failed Homer's chauffeur examination, Homer noticed how upset Marge was getting, and decided to bail them out.
  • Money to Fire: Parodied when Homer lights up a $5 bill to smoke a cigar to demonstrate his potential investment earnings. Then he realizes he's burning money, quickly extinguishes it, and adds it to the similarly singed bills already in his wallet.

    Lenny: Hey Homer, how come up you got so much coin to burn? Or singe, anyway.

  • Obnoxious In-Laws: Patty and Selma have reward of the fact Homer owes them money to bribery him.
  • Of Class I Fume: Homer pretends to smoke to save Patty and Selma when they were caught smoking by their boss, claiming both their cigarettes as his.
  • One time Washed, Never Forgotten: An incident from Homer's childhood of pushing a dog like a vacuum cleaner is added to the list of reasons the banking company won't give him more time to pay the mortgage.
  • Pink Is for Sissies: What the other boys think of ballet. When Bart reveals to the audience of his dear for ballet, the other boys chase him out of the school, intending to beat him up.
  • Platonic Kissing: Lisa kisses Bart on the forehead after seeing the ballet.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: Mel Brooks was with wife Anne Bancroft when she was recording her lines as Dr. Zweig in "Fear of Flying" before this flavour, and he wanted to appear in an episode himself, so he was written into this one.
  • Real Men Habiliment Pink: Enforced on Bart when forced to take ballet classes. He soon finds out he has talent, and accepts ballet.
  • Running Gag: Homer seems to have a habit of misinterpreting Mel Brooks films.
  • Sarcasm Style: Homer goes into this big time regarding Patty and Selma.

    Marge: Try to be prissy to my sisters. It's very hard on me to have yous fighting all the time.
    Homer: Oh, OK, Marge, I'll go forth with them. Then I volition hug some snakes! Yes, I will hug and buss some poisonous snakes! [Beat] Now that's sarcasm!

  • Shout-Out:
    • Bart amuses himself with talking to his hand in a SeƱor Wences-style way.
    • Bart being told to "use the ballet", in a similar matter to "Use the Strength".
  • Have That!: The style Marge returns from making "the most international coffee in the business firm".

    Marge: [sadly] I'chiliad sorry. All we have is Nescafe. I'm very, very lamentable.

  • Taking the Heat: When Patty and Selma are about to lose their promotions as punishment for smoking at their workplace, Homer helps them past telling their supervisor that he was the i who was smoking. annotation Though he did first laughing at them until he saw Marge's expression and quickly did it for her sake rather than her sisters'.
  • Unreveal Angle: Homer experiences a very frustrating version during a Dream Sequence. He'southward having money bug and he dreams of an invention that will make him rich, but he's never able to really encounter the invention considering someone is standing in the mode.
  • Versus Title: One of many for The Simpsons. Others include, but are not limited to, "Marge vs. the Monorail", "Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy" and "Bart vs. Commonwealth of australia".
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Bart invokes this regarding Lisa when she kisses him and walks off subsequently she gives him a heartwarming speech virtually his embracing of ballet and showing his sensitive side (later his failed endeavor to escape from the bullies left him lying desperately injured at the bottom of a ditch).

    Bart: Why'd she just leave me here when I clearly need medical attending?
